Soccer-Eriksen Had Heart Attack however Examination Outcomes Are Typical, Danish Team Physician Claims

COPENHAGEN (Reuters) -Denmark’s Christian Eriksen suffered a heart attack when he broke down during his side’s Euro 2020 opening suit versus Finland, his group’s doctor verified on Sunday, yet the reason remained unclear.

” He was gone; we did heart resuscitation, it was a heart attack. We obtained him back after one defib (defibrillation),” Morten Boesen told a news conference, adding that Eriksen stayed in health center for further examinations after his collapse on Saturday.

” The tests that have been done so much look fine,” Boesen added. “We don’t have an explanation to why it happened.”

Eriksen, 29, collapsed suddenly in the 42nd min of the suit while running near the left touchline after a Denmark throw-in. As a hush fell over the 16,000-strong group, his team friends collected around him while he was dealt with on the pitch and after that completed on a cot.

The Danish gamers had been in contact with Eriksen using a video clip seminar, said Peter Moller, supervisor of Danish football organization DBU.

Coach Kasper Hjulmand claimed Eriksen had actually told him he did not remember much from Saturday’s collapse and that he aspired to return on to the pitch.

” He would like for us to use,” Hjulmand stated. “He claimed he feels like he might go out and also play once again. Christian really feels ideal when he’s got a football near his feet.”

Hjulmand quoted the midfielder as saying: “I think you are really feeling worse than I am. I really feel as if I will go training now, kids.”

” Christian is in good spirits and it’s a big alleviation for the gamers besides this uncertainty,” Hjulmand stated. “There is no question that we have actually been on the ropes.”

Messages of support for Eriksen, who bets Inter Milan, have actually poured in.

The Team B video game was stopped as well as ultimately rebooted a hr and 45 mins later. Finland took place to win 1-0 with their only effort of the video game.

Former Danish internationals Peter Schmeichel and also Michael Laudrup have actually criticised governing body UEFA over their handling of the collapse. The players were provided the choice to complete the video game on Saturday evening or on Sunday.

” Looking back, I truthfully do not think that we should have been back on the pitch,” Hjulmand said. “I have actually thought of whether I can have done things differently.”

( Coverage by Jacob Gronholt-Pedersen and also Stine Jacobsen; Editing by Frances Kerry and Clare Fallon).

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