Audi’s F1 strategies form as Sauber news looms

But amidst growing indications that confirmation of their objectives for 2026 is now imminent, Audi may be the initial to expose its plans and could do so as early as this weekend break’s Belgian Grand Prix.

After months of conversations to sort out a companion group, it is understood that an arrangement is currently in place between Audi and also the Sauber team, which currently contends under the Alfa Romeo name.

Audi had actually originally bargained with McLaren regarding a takeover of team shares, having been at first put in touch with the team and also its owners through previous McLaren F1 racer Gerhard Berger.

” I developed the contact with McLaren,” stated the DTM manager. “McLaren would have been a prospect as a partner for Audi in Solution 1.”

Yet the talks between McLaren’s owners, the Bahrain sovereign riches fund Mumtalakat, as well as Audi inevitably came to absolutely nothing. In the long run, Sauber emerged as the recommended candidate adhering to an evaluation of Aston Martin and also Williams.

Discussions have actually currently advanced with Sauber, after its proprietor Finn Rausing previously turned down an offer from Michael Andretti to offer the team for 350 million euros at the end of 2021.

It was recommended that Rausing demanded the proceeded presence of the Sauber Group at the Hinwil website as well as the preservation of tasks, as well as also required an additional 250 million euros as a payment to the team in order to be sure the team remained in safe hands.

In the long run, Andretti walked away due to terms it could decline.

Manufacturing facility strategies

With Audi, Sauber is getting a solid partner who, according to resources, is prepared to pay greater than Andretti for a smaller sized percent of the firm. Rausing is readied to remain aboard as a minority proprietor.

There is likewise the guarantee to further establish Sauber as a factory team – very comparable to just how the Sauber-BMW partnership worked in between 2006 as well as 2009.

It interests keep in mind that existing Audi chief executive officer Markus Duesmann, who has actually pushed the brand’s F1 access, was head of growth at the BMW-Sauber team between 2007 as well as 2009 and still recognizes the Hinwil procedure from back then.

Autosport understands that the strategy includes continuing to develop the chassis in Hinwil, where one of F1’s most modern windtunnels is still situated.

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The powertrain is to be produced at Audi’s website in Neuburg and also hence established and also produced on German dirt.

This differs from VW Group sister company Porsche, which will develop big parts of its engine at Red Bull’s Milton Keynes powertrains division.

Like Porsche, Audi is to set up a new company for its F1 project. There are pointers that Adam Baker, whom Audi hired at the end of 2021 for “unique jobs,” is established for a managing director role. Baker formerly worked at BMW, where he initially met Duesmann, and also at the FIA.

Another obvious prospect for the article would have been the current head of sporting activity Julius Seebach, who as Chief Executive Officer of Audi Sporting activity is much more seasoned in greater monitoring than Baker.

Nonetheless, it is recognized that Seebach is about to be replaced and also has been linked with a newly produced placement in Audi’s development department.

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Red Bull Porsche hold-up

While Audi’s plans are making great progress, a public news concerning Red Bull and Porsche’s tie-up has actually not happened as quickly as some had expected.

For weeks, hold-ups in settling the 2026 engine guidelines were cited as the reason that neither car company wanted to devote until they were sure about the policies.

Red Bull motorsport expert Helmut Marko informed Autosport at the Hungarian General Practitioner: “VW’s board decision is that if the technical laws satisfy the requirements, after that they have the mandate to enter into Formula 1.

” Simply formally, nonetheless, these brand-new policies do not yet exist. The FIA head of state is apparently going to place it to the vote in an e-mail tally soon. Just then will it formally begin.”

The engine rules were consequently signed off on 16 August, but there is still no indication of when an official communication from Red Bull as well as Porsche will be made.

Nonetheless, a current document released by anti-cartel authorities in Morocco connecting to the Porsche/Red Bull tie-up has suggested that it will wait up until 30 August for any type of comments from interested events before providing its green light to the strategy.

It is feasible that only after that will Porsche really feel whatever is in area for it to go public with its aspirations.

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