Eagles vs. Cowboys: The Real game time, television schedule

The Philadelphia Eagles (-7)

Wager $10 on PHI

To Beat DAL:$13.64

Win by 7:$19.52

To Lose:$33.00 (5-0) will host the Dallas Cowboys (+7)

Wager $10 on DAL

To Beat PHI:$33.00

Lose by less than 7:$18.70

To Lose:$13.64 (4-1) for a division rivalry matchup on Sunday Night Football. Lincoln Financial Field will be electric for this Week 6 primetime game.

Eagles vs. Cowboys are combating to continue to be unbeaten to hold onto the leading place in the NFC East, and to obtain a little vengeance from their 2 meetings in 2021. Head instructor Nick Sirianni does not think about it by doing this, claiming that their only motivation this week is playing their finest for each various other.

Truth is, though, there’s no scarcity of inspiration for Philly heading into this video game, and with what will assuredly be a home-field advantage, they’ll have the excellent setup for success.

Eagles vs. Cowboys

Philadelphia Eagles Vs Dallas Cowboys LIVE Pregame Show!! Winner In 1st Place!

It will not, however, be a cake-walk for the house team. The Cowboys protection will offer it’s share of obstacles despite the flexibility of the Eagles offense we have actually seen through five weeks. We’ve seen A.J. Brown dominate, DeVonta Smith control, Miles Sanders set career-highs, Jalen Injures spread the round around equally, and we’ve seen the QB sneak the ball what appeared like 100 times against the Cardinals.

Still, the Dallas protection will certainly be one of the hardest they have actually dealt with at all degrees– Demarcus Lawrence up front, Micah Parsons damn near everywhere, as well as Trevon Diggs and also Malik Hooker on the back end.

With any luck the Eagles protection will certainly have an additional possibility to apply consistent stress on Cooper Thrill, and make the QB really feel uneasy. Despite Rush’s lack of experience, he’s lead the team to four straight wins without Dak Prescott.

The team’s Week 1 performance really felt flat, with gamers looking absolutely powerless on the sideline. Since then, they have actually located ways to win and to not look like a total mess.

Right here’s whatever you require to learn about exactly how to enjoy the game.

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