Chicago’s only chalk art event returns to Rogers Park

The variety of Howard Road is on display screen in Chicago’s Rogers Park community, all in the kind of chalk art.

Musicians from around the nation are in town this weekend this weekend to showcase their skill for the city’s only chalk art festival called Chalk Howard Street.

The totally free as well as outdoor occasion is back and face to face for the very first time given that before the pandemic in 2019.

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” I love it, it’s incredible that everybody can come out and also actually participate,” said Amanda-lee Harris Gibbs, of The golden state.

Each musician is chalking up their very own type of swagger as well as style on the sidewalk.

” Harrison Ford is from Chicago and one of my favored movies is Indiana Jones,” said Gibbs. “So I assumed I would do like a little you know to him and, do something that individuals could additionally bear in mind and get in as well as belong of.”

Gibbs as well as sis Consistency Harris are travelling the nation with each other for festivals similar to this.

” She’s where I obtained my begin,” stated Harris of her sis Gibbs. “She showed me when I was little and also like it’s been actually awesome to kind of accompany with her as well as work together with her.”

The sisters help each other out and also both are attempting to give unique tributes to Chicago with their art.

” My item that I’m doing is mosting likely to be Iron Heart however I kind of modified a bit,” discussed Harris. “So she’s flying over the Chicago sky line just because I believe it’s fun for you recognize, people in your area to see like a bit of themselves and also art pieces.”

The art is likewise interactive. When standing in a details place spectators can see the art lift as in 3-D kind and it’s also better through a video camera lens.

” You can come as well as take a photo while you’re flying on the dragon or something like that,” claimed Ravenswood resident Kristen Quinn. “We like it. It’s additionally wonderful to see it in progress prior to it’s all complete.”

The festival runs Saturday 11 a.m.- 8 p.m. on Howard Road in between Paulina and Ashland, eastern of the Howard Red Line ‘L’ stop.


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