3 located shot dead at Georgia country club, including golf pro

Three men were eliminated in a shooting Saturday at a Georgia country club, consisting of the club’s golf expert.

The shooter has not been recognized, Cobb County authorities informed the Atlanta Journal-Constitution.

Cops responded Saturday afternoon to a telephone call regarding a capture at Pinetree Country Club, CBS 46 reported. When officers arrived, they located club employee Eugene Siller, 41, with a gunshot injury to the head at the 10th hole. He was noticeable dead at the scene, the Atlanta Journal-Constitution reported.

Siller was the supervisor of golf for the club and also daddy of two, according to media records.

Authorities after that discovered 2 other men who had actually been fired in the bed of a Dodge Ram 3500, the outlet reported. One male was identified as Paul Pierson, the owner of the truck.

USA TODAY has actually reached out to the Cobb Area Authorities for comment.

A participant of the club told 11 Alive that the shooter drove his automobile near the 10th opening of the course when Siller visited what was going on and also was fired.


Pinetree Country Club lies in Kennesaw, Georgia, concerning 25 miles north of Atlanta. Nearby Kennesaw State College tweeted Saturday that there was no reliable risks to school.

PGA of America and also its Georgia section validated Siller’s fatality on social networks.

“Misfortune has actually stricken the Georgia Section PGA in the loss of our Member, Genetics Siller. Thoughts and also petitions for his family members and the Pinetree Country Club family,” Georgia PGA tweeted.

PGA Head of state Jim Richerson claimed on Facebook the organization was sad to find out of Siller’s fatality.

“The PGA of America sends our thoughts, prayers as well as deepest sympathy to his household, club as well as the Georgia PGA area,” the blog post said.

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